Administrer flersproget indhold i stor skala

Det kan være komplekst at administrere et lokaliseringsprogram eller -projekt, men vores cloudbaserede platform til oversættelsesstyring er designet til at forbedre effektiviteten, sikre konsistens og understøtte vækst.
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Disse virksomheder har tillid til os

Eliminer manuelt arbejde

Integrer oversættelse med din teknologistak ved hjælp af Smartlings automatiserede arbejdsprocesser. Det er nemt at parre din indholdssoftware med Smartlings TMS gennem vores færdigbyggede integrationer, brugerdefinerede API'er eller Global Delivery Network. Med automatisering på plads kan du forbedre effektiviteten, få indhold hurtigere på markedet og koncentrere dig om vigtigere prioriteter.

Forbedret oversættelseskvalitet og ensartethed

Smartling helps you evaluate, manage, and improve your translation quality with tools and reporting built around the Multidimensional Quality Metrics framework. You can perform quality assurance directly within Smartling using our Linguistic Quality Assurance tools and review results in a comprehensive quality dashboard.

If you're looking for even more reliability, Smartling Translation comes with a quality satisfaction guarantee.

Skalerbar oversættelse for hele organisationen.

Smartling is designed to meet the translation needs of your whole company—all in one place. You get unlimited users at no extra cost and in-platform communication features that make collaboration a breeze. Plus, translation owners can empower their colleagues to customize jobs and translation projects while maintaining control and consistency across their account.
What’s inside our TMS
Translator tools
smartling translate
Smartling oversættelse
Linguistic quality assurance
Even as we’ve significantly expanded our brand portfolio over the last 12 months, the costs to deliver a new language have not gone up. The Smartling connector makes our translation process more efficient from beginning to end. We’re saving time every step of the way — from the Smartling dashboard through to content management in AEM.
Chris Hamilton
Director of Digital Experience for Marketing Channels & Application, IHG

Hvorfor ikke oversætte mere intelligent?

Chat med en fra Smartling-teamet for at se, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med at få mere ud af dit budget ved at levere oversættelser af højeste kvalitet, hurtigere og til betydeligt lavere omkostninger.