The global automotive industry includes hundreds of languages and dialects, from English and French to Mandarin Chinese. The challenge for this industry is creating localized translations to communicate ideas, support collaboration, and connect with target audiences—all while providing a consistent company voice across all languages.
Men hvis et bilindholdsteam bruger manuelle processer til at administrere oversættelser, bliver det næsten umuligt at vokse og konkurrere i et hurtigt bevægende miljø . En kombination af menneskelig ekspertise og kunstig intelligens er nødvendig for at producere hurtigere og mere nøjagtige oversættelser.
When your global teams leverage translation services, you can target multilingual markets more effectively and improve productivity. Let’s discover how you can get started and quickly increase your profit margins.
Oversættelses rolle i bilindustrien
Those in the industry understand what’s at stake if a company falls behind on the latest automotive technology. It means slower production, higher costs, and thinner profit margins. Similarly, automotive companies need to stay up-to-date on translation technology to more effectively work with partners and stakeholders worldwide and sell to local markets with different target languages and cultures.
Thanks to modern innovations like Smartling’s machine learning technology, you can get your translations to market much faster than before with 350% higher quality than a traditional single machine engine. Companies can now translate content faster, more accurately, and more affordably than ever.
Oversættelsesteknologier fortsætter med at bevæge sig hurtigt, så det er op til virksomhederne at udnytte dem nu, så de kan skalere i fremtiden.
Adam Wooten, associate professor of translation and localization management at Middleburg Institute, provided insight into AI within the automotive sector at Smartling’s recent Global Ready Conference.
"Dette har altid været en branche i hurtig udvikling," siger han. ”Vi har aldrig rigtig kunne sidde på vores pensum. [...] Alt skal opdateres meget mere grundigt. [...] Du kan ikke lære noget om kvalitetsstyring eller leverandørstyring eller computerassisteret oversættelse – noget – uden at tale om, hvordan genereret AI allerede har påvirket det."
Efterhånden som AI udvikler sig, kan bilvirksomheder drage fordel af forbedret effektivitet og lokalisere indhold til flere markeder for at øge deres salg.
The Global Ready Conference explored cutting-edge technologies and the future of translations. (Source)
Se Volvo Cars og Middlebury Institutes indsigt for bilvirksomheder:
Hvilket indhold har brug for biloversættelser?
What exactly do auto companies need to translate? Think of any materials that your team or brand uses to communicate with others. These materials may relate to everyday business operations and manufacturing communications, along with correspondence with customers, local markets, and investors. There are many types of content that need high-quality translations. Here are some examples:
Marketing materials
When marketing to local audiences, it's critical to communicate on your target audience’s level. Your content shouldn't seem foreign. Instead, it should sound like it’s coming from a local company that understands its customer base.
Culture, history, dialect, and background influence target audiences, and cultural nuances and complexities affect brand perceptions. Something as simple as a color or idiom can affect local buyers’ perception of your brand.
Selvom præcis og relevant markedsføring er vigtig, er konsistens det også. Dit brand bør kommunikere det samme budskab og de samme følelser, som du formidlet på dit kildesprog på andre sprog, såsom arabisk, spansk og hollandsk.
Types of marketing content you may need to translate include:
- Website content that markets your brand and provides critical information
- Trykt materiale, såsom brochurer og visitkort, til nøgleinteressenter og kunder
- Indhold på sociale medier, såsom produktopslag eller kommentarer til brugerengagement
- Annoncer som Facebook-annoncer, der understreger kvalitetssikring og tillid til de køretøjer, produkter eller tjenester, du markedsfører
Teknisk dokumentation
Kunder har brug for mange forskellige typer information, såsom brugermanualer, servicemanualer, tekniske bulletiner, ressourcer og lister over dele, for sikkert at bruge dine produkter eller engagere sig i dine tjenester.
This need is also an essential consideration for your team. Engineers and technical writers already face challenges in communicating complex ideas and processes for car manufacturing and engineering. If you add technical translations—in dozens of languages for different sites or customer bases—to the mix, the process becomes time-consuming and error-prone.
Biloversættelses- og lokaliseringstjenester strømliner oversættelsesprocessen for at give større nøjagtighed og hastighed. For eksempel kan Smartlings maskinoversættelse hurtigt oversætte al din tekniske dokumentation. Du kan også tilføje vigtige termer og sætninger til platformens oversættelseshukommelse for at sikre ensartede oversættelser overalt.
Salg, økonomi og virksomhedskommunikation
The automotive industry is highly competitive, so it's imperative that companies clearly communicate their updates, sales health, and financial decisions to their stakeholders.
These stakeholders aren't all from one country or culture, nor do they all speak the same English dialect or come from the same background as you. Because of this, you should ensure that you provide clear content to stakeholders in their native language so everyone is on the same page.
Juridiske og overholdelsesdokumenter
Virksomheder beskæftiger sig ofte med garantier, overholdelse af lovgivning og sikkerhedsstandarder. Derudover skal kunderne underskrive juridiske formularer, kontrakter og andre væsentlige dokumenter under købsprocessen.
Legal document translations are important for accuracy, compliance, and ethical reasons. When translating these documents, you’ll want to ensure that readers understand your intended message and expectations with absolute clarity.
Quality and efficiency matter in the automotive industry since they affect how buyers and stakeholders perceive your brand. That's why it's essential to provide your employees with consistent training, no matter where they live.
For example, both U.S. and Japanese teams should clearly understand your company's processes, protocols, and ultimate vision. Consistent translations break down language barriers to help employees understand your company's goals, culture, and methodologies.
How to ensure precision and consistency across automotive translation workflows
For at opretholde hastighed, overkommelighed og nøjagtighed i oversættelser bør bilvirksomheder anvende følgende værktøjer og tjenester:
- AI-værktøjer til at oversætte indhold: Maskinlæringsteknologier som Smartling oversætter milliarder af sider med indhold i minuttet for at skabe hurtige, overkommelige oversættelser af brugermanualer, bildesigndokumenter og meget mere.
- Managementsoftware til at behandle oversættelser: For at sikre høj kvalitet og organisation bør teams bruge en platform, der hjælper dem med at verificere indhold og samarbejde mere effektivt, såsom Smartlings oversættelsesstyringssystem.
- A local team to localize content: Expert linguists based in your local market know best how global audiences will perceive your content. For example, Smartling’s 100% native-speaking translators can identify nuances and complexities that machines cannot. These experts can also gauge emerging trends and cultural shifts that may affect content perception and can use transcreation to add any necessary content to fill in the gaps.
Alle disse værktøjer og tjenester omfatter en AI-drevet menneskelig tilgang, der leverer professionelle biloversættelser i stor skala.
AI-menneskelige partnerskab
Automotive organizations can provide lightning-fast content with an AI-powered human strategy. Machines provide the highest-quality translations, and local human experts can then revise and localize them for cultural nuances.
Not only can humans and machines work together for more effective translations, but they can also improve over time to provide a more consistent, on-brand voice. For example, humans can inform AI by updating your translation memory with specific phrases and terms. The next time AI translates one of these source language phrases, it will then know your preferred translation for that local market or culture.
Marcus Ivarsson, leder af lokaliseringsstyring hos Volvo Cars, fortæller også om vigtigheden af oversættelseshukommelse.
“[We] utilize all of our translation memories, where we have translations approved by our stakeholders, our markets—and that’s very subjective,” he says. “What’s a good translation? [...] We thought, ‘Let’s train translation engines on these [approved translation] assets.’ Once we did that, [...] we saw that the time to market is off the charts.”
Read more about Volvo Cars' story in the section below.
Volvo Cars: An automotive translation success story
Volvo Cars' hjemmeside (Kilde)
Smartling, den førende løsning til lokalisering og oversættelse, tog fat på en bilmulighed med Volvo på Global Ready Conference.
Ivarsson remembers the days when his team would start with Excel sheets that contained content in the source language and transform them into translated content. Over time and with global growth, this method proved to be inefficient and error-prone.
Ivarsson described the process as a "nightmare" when dealing with 60–80 local markets. Because of this, he and his team decided to undergo a digital transformation to produce more efficient and accurate translations at scale.
Han og hans team valgte Smartling til at skabe overkommelige, effektive og nøjagtige oversættelser.
"Ved hjælp af Smartling var vi i stand til at centralisere den måde, vi arbejdede med oversættelser på," siger Ivarsson. "Vi havde én måde at lave oversættelser til alle markeder, alle sprog på. [...] Men nu gør vi det på den rigtige måde. Vi har et centralt team, der arbejder med globale udrulninger, med oversættelserne [og med] alle aspekter i indholdsbiblioteket. [...] [Vi sparede] 60 % af oversættelsestiden. [...] Vi skærer en masse [udgifter] ned.”
Ved at indføre værktøjer og sprogtjenester for at gøre oversættelsesprojekter hurtigere og mere præcise kan det hjælpe virksomheder med at få mere effektiv kontakt med interessenter og globale markeder.
Hvordan Smartling leverer nøjagtige biloversættelser
Smartling’s translation platform provides the tools and linguists you need for top-notch automotive translations. (Source)
Smartling is an all-in-one solution for automotive translation and localization. Its LanguageAI technology helps you translate billions of words in seconds.
Værktøjer som Smartlings Neural Machine Translation Hub producerer hurtigere indholdsoversættelser end traditionelle metoder. Dine teams kan derefter arbejde i oversættelsesstyringssystemet for at administrere deres arbejdsgange og revidere oversat indhold. Det er her lokalisering kommer ind – Smartlings ekspertoversættere kan revidere oversættelser til hvert lokalt markeds kontekst og nuancer. Du kan øge dit salg på lokale markeder med oversættelsestjenester og teknologier af højeste kvalitet.
Discover how Smartling can improve your team’s collaboration and communication with stakeholders with fast, accurate translations—book a demo today.